Updated Cure For Death page - It is highly recommended to download the game since the HTML version has issues

While working on a transmutation experiment in your laboratory, you notice an evil miasma has seeped in from the outside. It causes a chemical explosion that splits you and your shadow in two! It appears the castle has been taken over by the evil Lich King! Delve deep into the castle keep, with your shadow following close behind, and save your laboratory–and by extension, the castle itself. Progress through 17 floors and fight the boss

We are relatively new developers.

No predone assets were used. Everything was created for the game.


Programming: NaroDekk, Fil (Serg0_), SullyTD

https://itch.io/profile/narodekk https://1serg0.itch.io/

Art - Ky0273

Music and SFX - Trebor Orah

GDD: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kldsJVdINqEZqs3o9gTuDHa6TZn_89JOZvAm_IYPlR0/

Patch notes:

1.0.1 - Fixed sound bugs, fixed adding 8 perks at the boss fight. 

1.0.2 - Fixed adrenaline potion reducing shadow movement speed

1.0.3 - Fixed adrenaline potion crash

1.0.4 - Fixed audio transition, fixed combat + ambient soundtracks playing at once

1.0.5 - Fixed audio fading out when going from the credits to the lobby, Fixed missing game name in credits screen

1.0.6 - Fixed damage glitches, Buffed various potions and perks, Increased boss health, Fixed pestilence perk not triggering. Reworked under the gun perk


curefordeath.exe 150 MB
CureForDeath.zip 103 MB

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