While working on a transmutation experiment in your laboratory, you notice an evil miasma has seeped in from the outside. It causes a chemical explosion that splits you and your shadow in two! It appears the castle has been taken over by the evil Lich King! Delve deep into the castle keep, with your shadow following close behind, and save your laboratory–and by extension, the castle itself. Progress through 17 floors and fight the boss. All of the keybindings are in the settings page and can be adjusted.

We are relatively new developers.

No predone assets were used. Everything was created for the game.


Programming: NaroDekk, Fil (Serg0_), SullyTD

https://itch.io/profile/narodekk https://1serg0.itch.io/

Art - Ky0273


Music and SFX - Trebor Orah


Game Design Document Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kldsJVdINqEZqs3o9gTuDHa6TZn_89JOZvAm_IYPlR0/...

Updated game verison page (not gamejam submitted version) at https://1serg0.itch.io/curefordeath-101

Made withGodot


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After just two weeks this is a fantastic demonstration of all of your unique abilities. This is super fun to play and experiment with different build paths and playstyles! Would absolutely recommend checking it out!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)

Amazing job! I love the art style and music. All the special effects are impressive. Well done to the programmers for the dynamic play style. It's super addictive to play! Best of luck and well done!

Thanks  for playing BigBubaaa! It was the first jam for some of us, seeing you guys having fun means the world :)

Hey nice job! I love the idea of switching between the two "modes", and I had a really fun time finding abilities that synergized with that playstyle. Best of luck gang, there's some fun ideas here!

Thanks for playing Cake! Hopefully our team can revamp the project some day :D